Laser & Light Treatments
Fractional Resurfacing is a revolutionary noninvasive laser therapy designed to dramatically improve skin texture and pigmentation, including the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and surgical scars, brown spots, melasma, and stretch marks without significant downtime.
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is multiple wavelengths of light used to treat sun-induced changes on the face, including brown pigmentation, age spots and broken blood vessels. IPL is also used to treat the facial changes of rosacea, including redness and broken blood vessels. IPL may be used for these changes on the hands, neck and chest as well. It is safe, non-invasive and is tailored to the individual patient's skin.
PicoSure Skin Resurfacing Laser promotes collagen and elastin growth by removing the damaged outer layers of skin, requiring fewer treatments. This laser shatters unwanted pigment (acne scars, brown spots, pigmented lesions, sun damage, freckles, stretch marks, fine lines, wrinkles, and Melasma) by delivering ultra-short bursts of energy to your skin in trillionths of a second, creating a non-invasive procedure with little down time.