IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is multiple wavelengths of light used to treat sun-induced changes on the face, including brown pigmentation, age spots and broken blood vessels. IPL is also used to treat the facial changes of rosacea, including redness and broken blood vessels. IPL may be used for these changes on the hands, neck and chest as well. It is safe, non-invasive and is tailored to the individual patient's skin.
Who is a good candidate for IPL treatment?
Anyone who wishes to treat broken capillaries, sun damage, pigmented lesions, red scarring, rosacea, port wine stains, fine lines and wrinkles with minimal skin damage. Can also be used for hair removal.
How does this laser differ from our other lasers?
IPL laser releases light from many different wavelengths and uses a broad spectrum. This allows the laser to penetrate the second layer of your skin without harming the top, creating less damage to your skin and more comfort. The heat then destroys unwanted pigmentation or capillaries.
Does it hurt?
The pain level can increase or decrease depending on the size and location of the treated area. A cooling device can be used to help make the treatment more comfortable.
How long does a treatment take?
The treatment can take about 1 hour.
Will I need multiple treatments?
Yes, most people will need 3-5 treatments depending on the area. To maintain your results, it is recommended to do 4 treatments per year. Maintenance is required!
How does it work?
An IPL laser is attracted to pigmentation. It uses light to burn the capillary without burning the surrounding skin. The spots are pulled to the surface and will eventually flake off, revealing beautiful, radiant skin.
How long will my results last?
The results vary on this depending on area treated. Sun protection and skincare maintenance is recommended to keep results. Yearly treatments are recommended for optimal results.
Sun damage also depends on how much you have underneath the skins surface.
How long is the recovery period?
There is very minimal downtime post treatment. It is also recommended to stay out of the sun for at least a week.
What are the side-effects?
Side-effects include dryness, scabbing, and darker spots then when started.
How much does this cost?
This laser treatment is available for $300 per treatment area. You will receive a more accurate cost by scheduling a consultation.